Sales are the lifeblood of any business. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, mastering the art of sales is critical to your long-term success.

That’s why we’ve compiled these 10 sales secrets to help you boost your sales results and increase your business revenue.

Let’s dive into the top sales tips that will transform your business.

1. Establish a Pre-Sales Ritual

Sales don’t start with the phone call or face-to-face consultation; they begin well before that. Your mental and emotional state can greatly affect your performance. To ensure success, it’s crucial to prime yourself with a pre-sales ritual. Here are three essential components:

  • Read client testimonials to remind yourself of past successes. This builds your confidence and certainty—key factors in any sale.
  • Calm your nervous system with simple breathing exercises.
  • Adopt a mantra. For example, “high intention, low attachment.” Focus on serving the client without being attached to the outcome. This keeps your energy centred and allows you to deliver value without coming across as desperate.

2. Embrace Personalisation in a World of Automation

Automation has revolutionised sales processes, from email follow-ups to chatbot interactions. However, personalisation is what truly makes you stand out. Instead of relying solely on automated systems, add a personal touch to your communications:

  • Pick up the phone and make direct calls.
  • Send personalised videos or voice memos.
  • Engage in genuine conversations to build connections. Automation is helpful, but personalisation builds trust.

3. Use a Pre-Frame to Lower Sales Resistance

People love to buy, but they hate being sold to. A pre-frame can help lower a prospect’s sales resistance right from the start. For example, the “All About You Pre-Frame,” which shifts the focus to the prospect:

Start by saying, “What I’d love to do is make this call all about you. I’ll ask a few questions, and only if I believe you’re a good fit, I’ll explain how our programs work—with your permission.

“This not only lowers defences but also makes the prospect feel in control, fostering openness and trust.”

4. Stay Curious and Dig Deep

Being curious in your sales conversations is crucial. Rather than accepting surface-level answers, dig deeper by asking clarifying questions:

If a prospect says, “I haven’t worked out in a while,” don’t just nod. Ask, “Oh, how long is ‘a while’? Tell me more about what’s been going on.”

Use your tone to prompt deeper responses. Curiosity uncovers pain points and desires, helping you craft a more effective solution.

5. Ask the Buyer’s Remorse Question

Buyer’s remorse—when prospects back out of a commitment—is a common issue. To avoid this, end your consultations with a powerful question:

“Why was it important for you to make a decisive commitment today to improve your health and fitness?” This question forces the prospect to defend their decision, reinforcing their commitment and reducing the chances of second-guessing.

6. Speed to Lead

Sales success is heavily influenced by how quickly you follow up with leads. Studies show that contacting a lead within five minutes increases your conversion rate by 21 times. This is where automation can help:

Set up automated text messages, emails, or DMs to engage leads immediately.

Follow up personally as soon as possible. Speed is key to winning in sales.

7. Follow Up More Than Anyone Else

The money is in the follow-up. Research shows that 80% of sales are made between the 6th and 12th contact. If you’re only reaching out a couple of times, you’re leaving money on the table. Use multiple channels:

Text messages, emails, videos, voice memos, and even direct messages can keep you top of mind for your prospects. Persistence pays off!

8. Get Comfortable with Uncomfortable Conversations

Sometimes the best sales conversations are the most uncomfortable ones. Don’t shy away from asking tough questions, especially those related to loss aversion:

Ask, “What happens if you don’t achieve these goals?”

Use silence to your advantage. After posing a hard question, let the prospect sit with it. This forces them to confront their situation, making the desire to take action stronger.

9. Resolve Objections with Validation and Open-Ended Questions

Objections are a natural part of any sales conversation. Instead of dodging them, pre-handle and validate them:

For example, if a prospect says, “I need to consult my partner,” you can say, “I understand. I often need to consult my partner too. But can I ask, what information would your partner need to feel confident about moving forward?” This not only validates their concern but opens the door to continue the conversation productively.

10. Track Your Numbers

As the saying goes, “What gets measured, gets managed.” To improve your sales game, you need to track important metrics like:

  • Number of calls made each day.
  • Appointments booked and the show rate for those appointments.
  • Conversion rates for those who do show up. Only by analysing these numbers can you see where to make improvements—whether it’s increasing appointments or improving your closing techniques.

Conclusion: Mastering Sales is Key to Business Success

Sales don’t just happen—they are the result of careful preparation, persistence, and a deep understanding of your prospects’ needs. By implementing these 10 sales secrets, you’ll not only improve your closing rate but also build stronger relationships with your clients. Remember, sales are about serving. When you master this art, you’re not just making money—you’re making a difference.