Welcome back to another insightful episode of the Profit Made Simple podcast.

In this episode, we delved deep into one of the most transformative changes a business owner can make: the shift from being a coach or technician to becoming a true CEO.

This is a crucial identity shift that unlocks immense potential, not only for your business but for your personal life as well.

Let’s walk through the key takeaways from the episode and explore how you can apply these principles to grow your business effectively.

The Importance of an Identity Shift

One of the biggest barriers that prevent business growth is the inability to shift your identity from being a hands-on coach or technician to embracing the role of a CEO.

In the episode, we explored how many business owners get stuck in the technician’s mindset, which often leads to burnout, frustration, and stagnation.

In my own experience, when I first opened a personal training studio, I thought I was living my dream. But two years in, I found myself overwhelmed, working 70-hour weeks with no time off. I had created a business that needed me every minute, every day, and I had no room to breathe. The problem wasn’t my business—it was me. I was stuck thinking like a personal trainer rather than a CEO.

Understanding the Shift: James Clear’s Model

We highlighted James Clear’s game changing model from his book Atomic Habits, which focuses on creating lasting change by first shifting your identity. According to Clear, the most effective and lasting change starts from the inside out. Here’s how you can apply his model to transition into the role of CEO:

  • Identity – Start by asking yourself: Who am I? You need to stop identifying as just a coach or technician and start seeing yourself as a CEO, the operator of your business. This is the central change that must happen before any other.
  • Processes – Once you’ve made the mental shift, it’s time to look at processes. These include delegation, systematisation, and leadership. Instead of doing everything yourself, focus on creating systems that allow your business to thrive without your constant presence.
  • Outcomes – Only after focusing on your identity and processes will the outcomes—like more time, more freedom, and more money—naturally follow.

The Five Elements of Lasting Change

To truly make the shift from coach to CEO, we discussed five critical elements: identity, story, beliefs, habits, and actions. Here’s how you can implement them in your own business:

  • Identity – Make the conscious decision to see yourself as a CEO. When someone asks you what you do, don’t say you’re a personal trainer or coach. Say, I am a business owner and CEO.
  • Story – Change the narrative you tell yourself. Instead of thinking your business relies on you to deliver great sessions, shift to a mindset that your business can succeed and grow without you being hands-on every day.
  • Beliefs – Challenge your limiting beliefs. Many coaches think, No one can train my clients like I can. Replace that with the empowering belief, I can train my team to deliver an exceptional experience, and my business will grow as a result.
  • Habits – Alter your daily habits to reflect those of a CEO. Instead of spending most of your time on the gym floor or handling day-to-day operations, schedule time for strategic planning, leadership development, and reviewing business metrics.
  • Actions – Move away from being involved in every task. Delegate coaching hours, administrative work, and even client follow-ups. Focus on high-level activities like leadership, marketing, sales, and strategic planning.

The LEAD Formula: Streamlining Your Business

We also introduced the LEAD formula—an acronym that stands for List, Eliminate, Automate, and Delegate. This is a powerful tool that helps you identify time-wasting tasks and streamline your business operations.

  • List – Start by listing every activity you do every 15 minutes over the course of a few days. This will give you a clear picture of how you’re spending your time.
  • Eliminate – Look at that list and ask yourself: What’s not growing my business? Cut out non-essential tasks, such as social media scrolling or unnecessary meetings.
  • Automate – Identify repetitive tasks that can be automated. Whether it’s client follow-ups, scheduling, or onboarding, automation can save you countless hours.
  • Delegate – Finally, delegate everything that doesn’t need your personal attention. This could include administrative work, cleaning, bookkeeping, or even coaching hours. By delegating, you can free up your time for more strategic activities that drive growth.

Focus on the Core Four

One key takeaway from the episode was to ensure that 80% of your time is spent on the following four high-impact activities:

  • Thinking – Make time for strategic thinking and planning.
  • Leading – Lead your team, hold meetings, and inspire them to align with your vision.
  • Marketing – Focus on lead generation and content creation.
  • Sales – Invest time in closing deals and forming partnerships.

These are the core activities of a CEO, and by concentrating on them, you’ll not only grow your business but also reclaim your time and energy.

Conclusion: The Transformation That Lasts

Making the shift from coach to CEO isn’t easy, but it’s essential if you want to create a thriving business that gives you more freedom and impact. By embracing this new identity and using tools like the LEAD formula, you’ll be able to break through the plateau and achieve the growth you desire.

Remember, this isn’t an overnight process, but with persistence and dedication, your business—and your life—will transform for the better.