
In this episode of the ‘Profit Made Simple’ podcast, we’re joined by Craig Ballantyne, renowned for his discipline, productivity, and powerful networking strategies. This article captures the essence of our conversation, highlighting how Craig has mastered the balance between professional success and a fulfilling family life.

Guest Introduction: Craig Ballantyne

Craig Ballantyne, often called the “most disciplined man on earth,” is a coach to high performers worldwide. His journey from a single man to a family-oriented individual has inspired many to realign their priorities, demonstrating how discipline and structure can lead to success both personally and professionally.

Discipline and Structure

Craig’s approach to life is deeply rooted in discipline. Whether he’s traveling or managing a family, his commitment to structure ensures peak performance. His discipline isn’t just about maintaining a rigid schedule; it’s about making choices that align with long-term goals, even in challenging circumstances.

Values and Contrarian Lifestyle

Craig upholds strong values, such as avoiding swearing and alcohol, which are contrarian in today’s society. These principles not only set him apart but also reinforce his disciplined approach to life, helping him focus on what truly matters.

Family-Centric Life and Business

Craig has successfully integrated his professional ambitions with a family-centric lifestyle. His business now supports his family life, demonstrating that with the right priorities, it’s possible to achieve both personal and professional success.

Networking as a Key to Success

Craig’s mantra, “everything in life is easier when you know more good people,” underscores the importance of networking. His extensive network, built over years, has been crucial in both his personal and professional growth.

The Art of Connecting People

Despite being an introvert, Craig excels at networking by focusing on meaningful connections. His “double opt-in introduction” strategy ensures that every introduction he makes is purposeful and beneficial to all parties involved.

Building a Network Spreadsheet

Craig’s success in networking is not just about his natural abilities but also his meticulous management. He maintains a spreadsheet of over 1,500 contacts, tracking everything from last contact dates to potential value exchanges, ensuring his network remains active and valuable.

Making Introductions that Matter

Craig believes every introduction should be a “win-win-win,” benefiting everyone involved. This thoughtful approach to connecting people enhances trust and the overall value of his network.

Time Management and Productivity

Craig’s productivity is driven by “discipline through subtraction,” where he focuses on eliminating unnecessary tasks and distractions. This approach frees up time for what truly matters, leading to greater efficiency and success.

Magic Time Concept

Craig identifies and fiercely protects his “magic time” – the period of the day when he is most productive. By dedicating this time to his most important tasks, he maximises his efficiency and output.

Family Impact on Productivity

With a growing family, Craig has adapted his productivity strategies, emphasising the importance of communication and commitment to ensure that his work doesn’t interfere with family life.

Phone Usage and Focus

To avoid distractions, Craig has implemented strict controls on his phone usage. By keeping his phone out of reach during work hours, he reduces the temptation to engage in time-wasting activities, enhancing his focus.

Identity and Mindset in Productivity

Craig emphasises the power of a positive self-identity in achieving goals. By shifting how you see yourself, such as controlling phone usage or being on time, you can improve your productivity and success.

Accountability Systems

Accountability plays a key role in Craig’s approach, with simple daily check-ins that help maintain focus and drive continuous improvement in both personal and professional life.

Best Advice Received

One of the best pieces of advice Craig received is that while you and your spouse can be tired, you shouldn’t be tired simultaneously. This principle, rooted in better planning and preparation, is valuable in both parenting and business.


How can discipline improve both personal and professional life? Discipline helps you stay focused, manage time effectively, and make decisions aligned with long-term goals, leading to success in all areas.

What is the importance of strong values in achieving success? Strong values guide your decisions and actions, helping you maintain integrity and focus on your goals.

How can networking contribute to personal and business growth? Networking provides access to opportunities, resources, and support, crucial for personal and business growth.

What is “magic time” and how can it be identified? “Magic time” is when you’re most productive. Identify it through self-reflection and use it for your most important tasks.

How can phone usage impact productivity? Excessive phone usage leads to distractions, reducing focus and productivity. Controlling it can help you stay on track.

What is the best way to balance family and work? Prioritising communication, time blocking, and being disciplined in work can help maintain a healthy family-work balance.


This episode with Craig Ballantyne offers actionable insights into discipline, networking, and productivity. By applying these lessons, you can enhance your personal and professional life, achieving greater success and fulfillment.