A client signed up to our Elite Mastermind and at the conclusion of our sales call he said that he had signed up because I had consistently shown up for 3 years.

A lot of people mistakenly think that you need some special type of talent, charisma, or magic formula.

The reality is far more boring… You need to consistently show up.

I have seen dozens of fitness business coaches come and go, each with their own audacious claims.

The reality is that most of them gave up within a year.

They didn’t consistently bring their A game, deliver value, and develop relationships.

I see the same with fitness business owners…

They ‘try’ a marketing strategy for a week and then claim it doesn’t work.

They give up too easily and unfortunately become another statistic.

Consistency is the key between average and greatness.

Show up daily, trust the process and play the long game.