
Welcome to Profit Made Simple, where we dive deep into the secrets of building thriving businesses. Today, we’re exploring the 11 critical lessons that have shaped my journey in entrepreneurship. Having successfully built and sold multiple 7-figure businesses, I’m now on the path to creating two more. But it hasn’t always been smooth sailing—my journey has been filled with challenges, failures, and hard-earned lessons. These are the secrets that transformed my business life from struggling to thriving. If you’re ready to elevate your business, keep reading!

The Secret to a Successful Business: It Starts with You

If your business isn’t where you want it to be, it’s because you haven’t yet become the person capable of running it. In my early days, I was terrible at delegation, communication, and leadership. I mistakenly believed that having a great product was enough. But the truth is, you must develop the right skills and mindset to succeed. Whether it’s sales, marketing, or leadership, the key to growth is continuous self-improvement.

Embrace Stress and Challenges for Growth

You can’t achieve anything meaningful without encountering stress and challenges. These obstacles are the catalysts for personal and professional growth. Early in my career, I joined a Business Networking International (BNI) chapter, which forced me to confront my fear of public speaking. Although it was terrifying, it led to significant improvements in my confidence and speaking skills, which have been invaluable in my business journey.

You Get What You Give: The Energy You Put Out Matters

The energy, effort, and intention you bring to your business directly influence what you receive in return. If you’re not seeing the results you want, take a hard look at how you’re showing up every day. Are you fully committed, passionate, and providing value? The universe often mirrors back the energy you put out, so make sure you’re bringing your best self to every aspect of your business.

Success Requires a Team: You Can’t Do It Alone

No one achieves significant success on their own. Even the greatest athletes like Tom Brady credit their success to the people around them. In business, it’s essential to surround yourself with a team that challenges you, holds you accountable, and pushes you to be better. Whether it’s a mentor, coach, or colleagues, having the right people in your corner is crucial.

Business Is 80% Psychology and 20% Strategy

The biggest difference between successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs often comes down to mindset. Everyone has access to the same strategies, but it’s the psychological resilience that separates the winners from the losers. Address your limiting beliefs, heal from past traumas, and focus on building a mindset that supports your business goals.

Clarity Is Key: Know What You Want

Successful entrepreneurs are crystal clear about what they want. They can visualise their goals and are relentless in their pursuit. This clarity helps them avoid distractions and maintain focus on their long-term vision. If you’re not clear about what you want, it’s easy to get side-tracked by new ideas and opportunities, which can dilute your efforts and slow your progress.

The Power of A-Players: Surround Yourself with Excellence

The difference between A-players and B-players in your team can be game-changing. A-players are self-motivated, take ownership, and consistently deliver exceptional results. Building a team of A-players requires you to have a compelling vision, provide growth opportunities, and lead with purpose. When you have the right people on your team, your business can achieve extraordinary success.

The 3 C’s: Control, Cope, Concentrate

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned comes from my coach, Craig Ballantyne: Control what you can, cope with what you can’t, and concentrate on what matters. This mindset helps you navigate the uncertainties of business by focusing on what you can influence and letting go of what you can’t. Prioritiisng what truly matters ensures that your energy is directed towards activities that drive growth.

Become Financially Literate

Financial literacy is non-negotiable for any successful entrepreneur. Understanding your numbers, from profit and loss statements to balance sheets, allows you to make informed decisions that propel your business forward. Books like Rich Dad Poor Dad and The Psychology of Money have been instrumental in helping me develop this crucial skill. By mastering your finances, you set the foundation for long-term success and wealth creation.

Master Emotional Regulation

Emotional regulation is perhaps the most critical skill in both business and life. When emotions run high, decision-making can become impaired, leading to poor outcomes. Learning to manage your emotions allows you to respond rather than react, ensuring that you handle challenges with clarity and composure. This skill can make the difference between staying stuck and moving forward in your business.

Play the Long Game: Consistency Is Key

Success doesn’t happen overnight. It’s the result of showing up consistently, day in and day out, for years. The compound effect of sustained effort over time is what leads to extraordinary results. While it’s natural to want immediate success, remember that playing the long game requires patience and relentless determination. Keep pushing forward, and you’ll achieve more than you ever thought possible.


What is the most important skill for growing a 7-figure business? The most important skill is emotional regulation. It helps you make better decisions and stay focused on your long-term goals, even when faced with challenges.

How can I attract A-players to my team? Attract A-players by having a clear vision, offering growth opportunities, and leading with purpose. A-players are drawn to environments where they can thrive and contribute to something meaningful.

Why is financial literacy important in business? Financial literacy is crucial because it enables you to make informed decisions that drive profitability and growth. Without understanding your finances, it’s challenging to scale your business effectively.

How do I maintain focus on my business goals? Maintain focus by getting crystal clear on what you want and saying no to distractions. Prioritise activities that align with your long-term vision and avoid chasing shiny objects.

What role does mindset play in business success? Mindset is everything in business. It determines how you handle challenges, take risks, and stay resilient. A positive, growth-oriented mindset is key to achieving long-term success.

Can I succeed in business without a team? While it’s possible to achieve some level of success on your own, building a strong team is essential for scaling and sustaining a 7-figure business. The right team can provide support, accountability, and expertise that accelerate your growth


Building a 7-figure business is not easy, but it’s achievable with the right mindset, skills, and support system. The 11 secrets I’ve shared today are the culmination of years of experience, learning, and growth. They are the foundational principles that have helped me build and sustain multiple successful businesses. I hope these lessons resonate with you and inspire you to take your business to the next level. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination—so keep pushing forward, stay committed, and never stop learning.