In this episode, host Dan Henderson shares his top 10 best-selling books that have the power to change the course of your business, carefully chosen from a personal collection of over 500 titles. For those overwhelmed by the vast array of self-help and business literature, this curated list offers a targeted approach to improving key areas such as habits, financial management, leadership, time management, and productivity. These selected books deliver actionable insights and proven strategies designed to propel both professional and personal growth.

In this Episode, You’ll Learn About…


The foundation of personal and professional success often lies in the habits one cultivates. Dan Henderson highlights how certain books can help reshape daily routines and habits to align with long-term goals. Discover practical techniques for developing effective habits and breaking those that hold you back. Books on habits include:

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  • High-Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard
  • Financial Management

Effective financial management is crucial for achieving lasting success. Dan’s recommendations include books that offer valuable perspectives on managing money wisely and building wealth. Learn strategies for financial planning, investment, and creating multiple streams of income, all aimed at achieving financial stability and growth. Books in this area are:

  • Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
  • Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
  • Leadership

Leadership skills are pivotal in both personal and professional settings. The selected books provide insights into becoming a better leader, whether you’re managing a team or leading yourself. Explore strategies for inspiring others, making impactful decisions, and leading with integrity and confidence. Notable books on leadership include:

  • Man Up by Bedros Keuilian
  • Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin
  • Time management

Time management is crucial for optimising productivity and ensuring that every moment contributes to your goals. This book provides insights into effective time management strategies. Learn how to optimise your use of time and focus on activities that align with your goals and values. The key book in this area include:

  • Buy Back Time by Dan Martell


Maximising productivity and improving business strategy are essential for success in any endeavour. This section discusses books that provide frameworks for enhancing customer experience and optimising business operations. Learn how to improve client retention and streamline business processes. Books on this topic include:

  • Never Lose a Customer Again by Joey Coleman
  • Traction by Gino Wickman

If you’re determined to advance both your career and personal growth, these top 10 business books for fitness entrepreneurs are essential resources. By incorporating the lessons and strategies from these impactful reads, you can make a significant difference in your pursuit of success and personal development. Tune in to the episode to discover how these books can help you achieve your goals and drive meaningful progress in your life.

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Our favourite quotable moments:

“The most successful people in the world are just a collection of the most successful habits.”Dan Henderson

“Leadership is one of the key skills for acquiring more success. If you can’t lead yourself then you can’t lead others.” – Dan Henderson

“If you want more success, it’s going to come from shifting your own behaviour, and also the behaviour of others.” – Dan Henderson

About Dan:

Dan Henderson, founder of Fitness Profit, is a coach and business consultant who helps fitness owners achieve more freedom, impact, and income. With over a decade of experience in the industry, Dan is a well-respected leader, owning two successful businesses within the space: Momentum 360 gym and Australia’s largest fitness conference, Filex. As a published author and entrepreneur, Dan shares his knowledge on the Profit Made Simple podcast, where he interviews industry experts and offers practical advice for growing your fitness business, building your brand, and achieving your goals. Join Dan each week and take your fitness business to new heights with Profit Made Simple.