Ever wondered how some entrepreneurs always seem one step ahead, capitalising on trends before they become mainstream? In this enlightening podcast episode, host Dan Henderson speaks with Charley Valher, the CEO of Valher Media, a dynamic advertising agency boasting a team of over 80 individuals. Charley has honed the skill of identifying and leveraging business trends, and in this episode, he help you understand how you can do the same for your fitness business.

In this Episode, You’ll Learn About…

The Shift from a Career in Plumbing to Online Advertising

Charley shares his unique journey from a career in plumbing to online advertising. He discusses the importance of being ahead of the curve and capitalising on trends before they hit the mainstream. This shift wasn’t just a career change, but a strategic move to position himself in a growing industry.

The Importance of Recurring Revenue

Charley emphasises the significance of recurring revenue in business. He explains how having a steady stream of income each month can provide a solid foundation for business growth and financial freedom. This approach ensures a predictable cash flow, enabling better financial planning and stability.

The Role of Property Investment

Charley talks about his strategic approach to property investment. He shares how he has used the profits from his business to invest in property, creating a diversified portfolio that provides him with financial security. This strategy has allowed him to build wealth outside his business, further enhancing his financial freedom.

The Power of a Strong Team

Charley highlights the importance of having a strong team in business. He explains how having a team of skilled individuals can help a business to operate more efficiently and effectively. By delegating tasks to experts in their fields, he’s able to focus on strategic decision-making and business growth.

The Impact of Technology Learning on Advertising

Charley discusses the impact of technology learning on online advertising. He shares how advancements in technology are changing the way businesses advertise online, making it more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve. As algorithms become more sophisticated, businesses need to adapt their strategies to stay competitive.

In conclusion, this episode highlights the power of embracing business trends for success, as demonstrated by Charley’s journey. His story serves as an inspiration for entrepreneurs and individuals seeking financial freedom, emphasising the importance of staying informed about emerging trends and being adaptable. This adaptability and foresight can propel your business and personal wealth to new heights.

🎧 Listen to the full episode now

Our favourite quotable moments:

“I think people heavily underestimate trends and opportunity.” – Charley Valher

“The intention was always to be financially independent. That was the goal. Business was purely just a vehicle to achieve that.” – Charley Valher

“[It takes] a lot of courage because you are leaping into an unknown industry.” – Charley Valher

“Repeat the playbook looking at this as a trend, knowing that we could provide some really unique things to this market at scale that others can’t.” – Charley Valher

About Guest:

Charley Valher is the CEO of Valher Media, a dynamic advertising agency boasting a team of over 80 talented individuals. With an impressive track record, the agency currently oversees advertising budgets exceeding $10,000,000 across various platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok Ads. Residing in Melbourne, Charley takes pride in his city while indulging in his hobbies of cooking and golf during his leisure time.

About Dan:

Dan Henderson, founder of Fitness Profit, is a coach and business consultant who helps fitness owners achieve more freedom, impact, and income. With over a decade of experience in the industry, Dan is a well-respected leader, owning two successful businesses within the space: Momentum 360 gym and Australia’s largest fitness conference, Filex. As a published author and entrepreneur, Dan shares his knowledge on the Profit Made Simple podcast, where he interviews industry experts and offers practical advice for growing your fitness business, building your brand, and achieving your goals. Join Dan each week and take your fitness business to new heights with Profit Made Simple.