Starbucks is a global phenomenon that employs 137,000 people worldwide.
However, its journey to success wasn’t a smooth ride…
The founder, Howard Schultz, faced a daunting challenge when seeking his original loan—he approached over 200 banks and received a staggering 242 rejections!
I see way too many fitness business owners give up too easily…
As soon as times become challenging, or they hit a plateau then they throw in the towel.
One person that that doesn’t fall into this category is ‘Andy Hernandez’ from A’s Dojo.
Andy joined our Elite program almost 2 years ago.
He barely had 50 members and the business had suffered through COVID.
He had problems with his building, numerous setbacks, and challenge after challenge.
Despite this, Andy just kept putting one foot in front of another and persisted through every setback that came his way.
In the past 24 months, Andy’s persistence and dedication have yielded remarkable results:
⚡️ Doubled his business, now boasting 100+ members
⚡️ Launched thriving kids and youth classes, experiencing exponential growth
⚡️ Formed a dream team of instructors, interns, and offshore experts
⚡️ Cultivated a business that supports his life as a devoted dad and partner
This success story underscores the power of persistence and unwavering dedication to one’s beliefs.
If you find yourself struggling or uncertain about the future, draw inspiration from the journeys of Howard and Andy.
Don’t give up. It’s time to showcase your brilliance to the world.
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